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Saturday May 30th Row 17

$3 150
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Live shopping for  test beads

exclusive to
1 chocolate base, cream pink icing, pink berries
2-3 transparent green base, milk green icing, pink flower
4 chocolate base, cream white icing, blue flower
5 chocolate base, cream white icing, purple flower

Every TRUE BEADZ item is stamped 925 that means  that you always have best quality 925 silver jewelry handmade just for you. TRUE BEADZ will fit any your favourite european bracelet.

Colour            variations 
Size               15.5-16.5mm x 10mm (may vary)
ID                   4.3mm

Please mind 1 inch is 25,4mm

PS IMPORTANT! if it happens that the bead is sold twice (unfortunately it is possible) I will contact the second person via E-mail and offer replacement or refund
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